


Three colors
Comparing Japanese three colors to something,
White is God, Black is Buddha, and Red is Mother

When asked about Japanese colors, my answer must be white, black and red.
Because white connotes pure nobleness, black connotes unlimited magnificence and red connotes the origin of beautiful life.
In Japan, white color has been involved Gods and considered a symbol of purity since ancient times. Costumes for the Emperor, Shinto priests and priestesses have been based white color, and samurai warriors had worn white pajamas and white robes when performing hara-kiri.
Though burial outfits for Japanese is white, ancient coffins discovered in the world are colorful and Tutankhamen’s tomb is the most famous. It shows each view of life and death is reflected by several colors.
In pre-World War II Japan, Japanese formally put on black crested kimono for celebration. Today, we usually wear black for funerals, but this thinking have originated from western customs and it seems to have something in common with the condition that English has been becoming the world’s standard language.
“千利休 (Sen no Rikyu)” loved black tea bowl.
There is nothing as mysterious as the black one reflecting green color whisked powdered green tea.
Black is perfect color to bring out or highlight every color, and yet, it never makes itself the main.
As this thinking seems to have happened in 30s of Showa period, Japanese virtue is not to make themselves main character but to support others, and I feel this image must be black.
Moreover, meditating Buddhism deeply and silently is also the same image as “墨染め (Sumi zome)” black.
Red is the color of blood and the sun.
The sun is great source of energy i.e., having been creating all things, bringing up, and destroying.
The chrysanthemum seal for Imperial Household shows the sun, Japanese values under the sun such as ancestral “天照大神 (Amaterasu Oomikami)”, “聖徳太子 (shoutoku Taishi)” for Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun, have been brewed for good long times.
It seems that the red color of blood having a vital force and mysteriousness is common in all ethnic groups. Besides, red for Japanese people is beyond one color and becomes a color showing their deep spirituality with integrating it in white and black.
Japanese climate have been created and developed spirituality in colors based these three colors and added blue and green as colors of “和する心 (Wa suru cocoro)” like Japanese language.
I’m now very proud of our ancestors handing over and taking over Japanese colors.
(訳 あさの まみ)                                                                                                               
